Gunston Hall

Room Use Study

Gunston Hall was a house intended to fill a variety of needs and support a wide range of activities. These activities were shaped, in part, by the physical space that surrounded them and by the furnishings which supported and enhanced them. The hope of better interpreting the complex world of 18th-century Gunston Hall to the 20th-century visitor sparked the research which has led to the Gunston Hall Room Use Study.

This study began in the Fall of 1990 in an attempt to complement and extend the ongoing program of architectural research and physical restoration at Gunston Hall with its goal of returning the structure to its 18th-century appearance. Extensive research files ranging in a variety of 18th-century topics, the Probate Database, and the Project Report are just a few of the products resulting from this multiyear research program. In recent years, the Project Report and the Probate Inventory have been made available in an online format.

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