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Addison, Col. John
of Pr Georges, MD 1/14/1765 Aspiring+
OXEN HILL? Spinning Room, Milk and Meel House. Items at Quarters and contents of meel* house
not detailed. Items on pg /7 questionable room. Food & meat stores not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Addison, Mrs. Eleanor
of Pr Georges, MD 4/1/1761 Aspiring+
OXEN HILL? Incl's Garret & spinning room; great & little parlour; vehicles in store house
detl'd, ferry boat:not detl'd. Kulikoff:large land holder. Prbly E.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Female; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Aderton, Dr. Joseph
of Pr Georges, MD 4/23/1779 Aspiring+
Paintings & bird cages. Shop furniture medicine instruments & books L280. Items listed at
"Swans Quarter" detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Allein, Mary
of Anne Arundel, MD 4/21/1752 Aspiring
Inentory includes some of Mrs. Allein's clothing. Barely aspiring. Has 2 old ferry boats.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets;
Female; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves;
Ball, Sarah
of Lancaster, VA 10/8/1742 Aspiring
No bedsteads listed -- beds detailed as bedsteads in most cases.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy;
Female; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Carter, Edward
of Pr William, VA 9/8/1806 Aspiring
Inventory includes 2 cradles, celleret, & cooler. Includes at least two sites other than
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Clements, Jacob
of Charles, MD 12/2/1755 Aspiring
Quarter: Cornwallis's Neck. Grain stores and contents of quarter not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Cole, Edward
of Charles, MD 5/26/1761 Aspiring
Shop items page 279-280? & grain and meat stores not detailed. Inventory followed by 5 pages
of debts due the deceased not copied. Lists oyster shells.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Colvill, John, Col.
of Fairfax, VA 2/6/1756 Aspiring
Blacksmith, cooper, & carpenter's tools. Tools in loft not in detail database. KITCHEN in
"overseer's house"?-only place where cooking utensils listed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Cooke, Traverse
of Stafford, VA 6/12/1759 Aspiring
Kitchen assumed by item placement.. Wooden ware in meat house. Kitchen equipment & bedding
in Quarters detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
French, Daniel
of Fairfax, VA 8/31/1772 Aspiring
Quarters not detailed: Dogues Neck, Pohick Run, Colchester, Falls Church, Loudoun & Prince Wm
County. Executor:GEORGE MASON.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Glasscock, John
of Richmond, VA 7/5/1756 Aspiring
INDIAN FIELD. Meat stores not detailed. No bedsteads listed therefore: Beds=furniture;
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Griffin, Thomas W.
of Richmond, VA 9/25/1761 Aspiring
No slaves are listed in the inventory. One room listed as: chamber & boys room.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Tools;
Harrison, William
of Charles, MD 12/15/1789 Aspiring
ST EDWARDS & ANTWERP QUARTER listed in inventory. Cattle age designated by "grasses." Grain
stores not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Hornby, Daniel
of Richmond, VA 4/11/1750 Aspiring
Articles in store not included. Inventory not valued.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Merchant; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Hornsby, Thomas
of York, VA 8/17/1772 Aspiring
Inventory for town house= Brick house & red house included in detail. Plantations not
detailed. "Goods on Hand" not itemized in inventoroy.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; Cellar;
Kitchen; Livestock; Merchant; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves;
Keene, Mr. Richard
of Pr Georges, MD 9/30/1754 Aspiring+
Store inventory not detailed- Household detail begins on PAGE 4 with "inner room upstairs"
Important features are: Urban; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Merchant; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Lewis, Thomas
of Fairfax, VA 12/1/1749 Aspiring
Plantation on Doeg Creek & one called Difficult Plantation. Chaff beds in house & kitchen.
Difficult not detailed. Clothing.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Magruder, Nathaniel
of Pr Georges, MD 1/10/1786 Aspiring
Includes smith's shop, barn, old milk house, meat house & store. Probably a taylor.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Montague, William
of Middlesex, VA 7/2/1754 Aspiring+
Inventory lists the contents of 4 quarters: Piscataway, Dragon, Chaney's, & Cliff --
contents of these spaces have not been detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Peachey, Samuel, Gent.
of Richmond, VA 1/1/1751 Aspiring
Minimal amount of cutlery - 1 dozn case knives. Lists quarters: Piscataway, Adocks, &
Phillips. List of books. Cubboard* is cupboard,
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Ryan, Ignatius
of Charles, MD 10/22/1807 Aspiring+
Probably includes a quarter, although unnammed. Kitchen unnamed but distinct. Meat & grain
stores not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Singleton, Joshua
of Richmond, VA 11/18/1773 Aspiring
Items listed in buffat,* (detail as: buffet=) including ceramics, glassware, and tea pot.
No bedsteads: bed=furniture; furniture=bedding.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Smith, Capt. Arthur
of Isle Of Wght, VA 2/24/1755 Aspiring+
Ceramics, knives & forks listed as "parcel." 4 Slaves. Beaufet with glasses & earthenware.
see Buffet. Bakery? Probably elite, but only old K & F noted.
Important features are: Urban; Books titled; Closets;
Livestock; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Stoddert, William Trueman
of Charles, MD 10/24/1793 Aspiring
Household furnishing listed at: POMONKEY QUARTER.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Sydnor, William
of Lancaster, VA 8/6/1751 Aspiring-
Kitchen listed as: "kitchen & other out places." bed=furniture & furniture=beds. Lists of
clothing. Long list of carpenters tools, not detailed. Barely aspiring.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Thornton, Peter Presley
of Northumberld, VA 11/4/1780 Aspiring
NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE Value listed in "old price ." 31 years at time of death. See
attached Dispersal of Estate. Quarters not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Tylar, Robert Bladen
of Pr Georges, MD 3/7/1793 Aspiring-
Minimal for aspiring. No bedsteads= bed as furniture, furniture as bedding. Grain stores
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Wootton, Turner
of Pr Georges, MD 5/29/1797 Aspiring+
Includes 3 "plantations": free school, dwelling, & motgomery. Lists china in the "beaufat."
Detailed as "buffet."
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079-3901