Through this website, lists of inventories in the database, as well as, complete transcriptions of user selected inventories, may be viewed, printed, or saved on the viewer's machine.

1- First select a MATRIX:

First Matrix - selects either all inventories, or a combination of state and/or class.

Second Matrix - allows the selection of all inventories or a combination of state and/or class with ONE additional filter which will appear on the next screen.

Choose from one of the filters.

2- A list of selected inventories will appear. Each listing includes the deceased's name, county and colony-state, date ordered, taken, or entered, and class.

For example:

Downman, Rawleigh of Lancaster, VA 7/19/1781 -- Elite.

3- The option is presented at the top of the screen to choose a more comprehensive listing of the selected inventories. This list provides an extensive register of information for each decedent which includes: a memo line of information about each inventory as well as a register of important features in each inventory. In some cases, when known, the name of the decedent's plantation is identified in upper case letters. This comprehensive list includes the various filters from which the inventory may be accessed.

Note: This list will take considerably longer to load.

For example:

Downman, Rawleigh, of Lancaster, VA 7/19/1781 -- Elite.

MORATICO Store rooms, tools & lumber not detailed. Tobacco house includes ceramics. Items from quarter moved "fear of the enemy" are included in detail report.

Important features are: Rural, Room by Room, Closets, Livestock, Tools, Out Buildings, Quarters, Slaves, Kitchen.

5- Complete inventory transcriptions may be obtained from either of the report screens listing the selected inventories by clicking on the deceased's name. You may, however, view, print, or save to your machine, only one inventory at a time.


The transcriptions are provided in Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to read or print the transcriptions, you must have the free "Adobe Acrobat Reader" program, which may be obtained by clicking on "Get Acrobat Reader" on any of the inventory lists. The Acrobat Reader permits the researcher to:

1- do character searches, using the first 2 or 3 letters of a word, ie: "cha" for chairs.

2- enlarge the screen for easier reading.

3- copy and paste information.

For help on using the Reader: open Adobe Reader and click on "help."