Virginia Inventories for Households in a county which borders the Potomac River
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Adams, Rev. Samuel
of Fairfax, VA 10/20/1806 Aspiring
Inventory lists time left before slaves' freedom. Craftsmen's tools.Cultery for elite -
other designators for class questionable.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Alexander, Phillip
of Stafford, VA 8/14/1753 Aspiring
Includes a herb still. Shoemakers & carpenters tools.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves;
Ball, Jeduthan
of King George, VA 9/1/1750 Aspiring
Kitchen assumed by placement of cooking equipment.
Important features are: Rural; Cellar; Closets;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Bird, Thomas
of Pr William, VA 5/30/1801 Aspiring
Received too late for room use study. Includes tabmor frame, bird cage, flute, beaufett &
furniture also a sideboard.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Butler, Lawrence
of Westmoreland, VA 1/1/1766 Aspiring+
NOTE: Dairy is possibly in cellar which contains dairy utensils. See location: cellar
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools; Wash house;
Carlyle, John
of Fairfax, VA 11/13/1780 Elite
Good descriptions of silver, ceramics, cutlery & furniture. Plantations: Bridekirk and
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Carter, Edward
of Pr William, VA 9/8/1806 Aspiring
Inventory includes 2 cradles, celleret, & cooler. Includes at least two sites other than
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Carter, Landon
of Pr William, VA 7/6/1801 Aspiring
Very descriptive for ceramics. Floorcoverings & 2 book cases
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Chichester, Richard
of Fairfax, VA 11/29/1796 Aspiring+
NEWINGTON PLANTATION Inventory designations of "household furniture" "kitchen furniture"
"plate" and "glass china earthen & tin ware." Harpiscord listed.
Important features are: Rural;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Colvill, John, Col.
of Fairfax, VA 2/6/1756 Aspiring
Blacksmith, cooper, & carpenter's tools. Tools in loft not in detail database. KITCHEN in
"overseer's house"?-only place where cooking utensils listed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Cooke, Traverse
of Stafford, VA 6/12/1759 Aspiring
Kitchen assumed by item placement.. Wooden ware in meat house. Kitchen equipment & bedding
in Quarters detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Corbin, Gawen
of Westmoreland, VA 4/10/1760 Elite
PECATONE "Servants hall," included, located in inventory between wash house & kitchen. No
values given. see Waterman p. 192.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools; Wash house;
Custis, John Parke
of Fairfax, VA 2/20/1782 Elite
Detailed lists of glass, china, stone, & tin ware. Detailed description of furniture.
Extensive book list. Craftsmen's tools.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Dalton, John
of Fairfax, VA 9/22/1777 Aspiring-
No cutlery listed, some linen stores--reflecting presence of loom & yarn.good furniture
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
County borders Potomac River;
Finlay, David
of Fairfax, VA 1/16/1794 Aspiring+
Minimal amount of kitchen equipment. One bed, several tables and 18 chairs.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
County borders Potomac River;
Fitzgerald, John
of Fairfax, VA 1/23/1800 Aspiring
Descriptions of furniture, ceramics, silver, and glassware. Kitchen items designated as
"kitchen furniture." Inventory includes a TIN SHOWER BATH.
Important features are: Urban;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Fitzhugh, Henry
of Stafford, VA 3/8/1742 Old fashioned
EAGLE'S NEST. Inventory cites "catalogue of books" -- list is not in public record. Fabrics
in chamber back room not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Fitzhugh, John
of Stafford, VA 12/15/1809 Aspiring
Uses $ and lbs. interchangeably. Totals are in lbs.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
French, Daniel
of Fairfax, VA 8/31/1772 Aspiring
Quarters not detailed: Dogues Neck, Pohick Run, Colchester, Falls Church, Loudoun & Prince Wm
County. Executor:GEORGE MASON.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Harrison, Matthew
of Pr William, VA 12/7/1807 Aspiring+
One bedstead noted with textile production equipment. Kitchen=after"andirons in kitchen."
Home house detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Hooe, Ann (Mrs.)
of Pr William, VA 5/5/1800 Aspiring
Received too late for room use study. Lists corn house and kitchen(with one item).
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Female; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Hunter, George
of Fairfax, VA 3/1/1798 Aspiring
Merchant in Alexandria, livestock & house(?) at "RED HILL." Inventory ordered by March term
1798 court. Cupboards.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Dairy;
Livestock; Merchant; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Hunter, James
of Stafford, VA 4/1/1785 Elite
Kitchen items in counting house. Store, tannery, anchor & smith's shop, Rpphnck forge &
cutting house not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Hunter, John
of Fairfax, VA 11/30/1764 Aspiring+
Medical & other books listed by title. Many silver items listed.
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
County borders Potomac River;
Johnston, George
of Fairfax, VA 2/11/1767 Elite
Extensive list of ceramics, sconces, chimney glass. Franklin Stove. Snap table. Extensive
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Lee, Philip Ludwell
of Westmoreland, VA 3/20/1776 Elite
STRATFORD HALL. Includes a turnery (a lathe?). Entries for bed and bedsteads. New house &
Upper Clifts not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools; Wash house;
Lee, Richard
of Westmoreland, VA 5/8/1795 Elite
LEE HALL No values given.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Lee, Thomas
of Pr William, VA 8/28/1806 Elite
Large number of slaves, tools, livestock, carriages, etc. Slaves occupations noted, incl
blackmsith, stickler, and a male cook.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Lee, Thomas
of Westmoreland, VA 8/17/1758 Elite
STRATFORD HALL Outbuildings listed in inventory without list of contents.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves;
Leitch, Andrew
of Pr William, VA 6/2/1777 Aspiring+
Received too late for room use study. Includes perspective glass & 18 views, babys chair, & a
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Lewis, Thomas
of Fairfax, VA 12/1/1749 Aspiring
Plantation on Doeg Creek & one called Difficult Plantation. Chaff beds in house & kitchen.
Difficult not detailed. Clothing.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Love, Samuel
of Fairfax, VA 7/13/1801 Aspiring
Western Fairfax County. Inventory includes a "Franklin Stove" and a riding sleigh. 60
mattrasses. Many vehicles including a stage.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Lyles, Robert
of Fairfax, VA 8/18/1788 Aspiring
Probably urban, minimal number of tools and livestock. Four slaves, no tobacco or farm
tools. Good furniture descriptions.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Mason, Ann
of Stafford, VA 2/28/1763 Elite
George Mason's Mother. Transcription includes estate in Fairfax County.1 old ferry boat at
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Female; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Mason, George, Jr.
of Fairfax, VA 1/10/1797 Elite
LEXINGTON Values not given. Extensive list of woodworking tools. lists Dogue Neck
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Mason, Thomas
of Pr William, VA 10/28/1800 Elite
Appears to have store inventory pages: 131-135, not included in detail. Has several seines,
& barrels of shad & herring.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Mason, Thomson
of Stafford, VA 1/1/1786 Elite
Books, tools, livestock, and slaves in Loudoun Co. not detailed.. George Mason's brother.
Date taken undetermined.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Slaves; Tools;
Mills, John, Esq.
of Fairfax, VA 2/24/1784 Elite
For information regarding sale of property see VA Jour. & Alex. Advert. 3/2/1786. Owned
Shuters Hill & land in Colchester.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Minor, John, Gent.
of Fairfax, VA 7/18/1753 Old fashioned
No knives or forks listed in inventory.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Closets;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Moncure, Rev. John
of Stafford, VA 10/12/1765 Aspiring
Extensive list of book titles. . Kitchen equipment set apart between list of horses and list
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Montgomerie, Thomas
of Pr William, VA 10/8/1793 Elite
Includes 1 apparatus for making mineral water. Kitchen assumed. Detailed descriptions of
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Newton, Willoughby
of Westmoreland, VA 5/27/1767 Elite
Free Mulattoes, all surnamed Clarke. Blacksmith tools. Beds listed as: furniture; furniture
listed as: textile-bedding.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Osborn, Robert
of Fairfax, VA 4/16/1744 Old fashioned
Inventory does not inlclude k or f, only 6 silver teaspoons & tongs. Inlcuded in database
because of identified kitchen.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Pratt, Dr. Shubael
of Fairfax, VA 10/1/1785 Aspiring
Physician. Lists medical books. Short, but well defined list of furniture and ceramics. No
slaves, tools or livestock.
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
County borders Potomac River;
Ramsay, William
of Fairfax, VA 9/22/1785 Elite
2 Pictures of Genl. Washington. Kitchen assumed by placement of contents.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Robinson, Jospeh
of Fairfax, VA 7/4/1786 Decent
Without table linens. An "elegant knife box." No tools of any type listed.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Scott, Dr. Willialm
of Pr William, VA 3/2/1742 Aspiring
Probate inventory recorded in Stafford County Will Book Liber M 1729-1748
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Scott, Levi
of Pr William, VA 7/3/1810 Aspiring
Personal property begins page 34?. Remainder of items apparently are store stock including
household goods and TEXTILES-not detailed.
Important features are: Urban; Books titled;
County borders Potomac River;
Scott, Rev. Mr. James
of Pr William, VA 2/12/1784 Elite
WESTWOOD. Ceramics!!!. 3 Easy chairs listed in inventory.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Stanhope, William
of Fairfax, VA 1/23/1802 Aspiring
Kitchen items grouped together between tools and clothing. Clothing listed as: Part of his
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Stewart, James
of Fairfax, VA 6/17/1782 Decent
Inventory contains items from store. HH inventory begins middle of page 433 with large gun.
Furnishings sparce, musical instruments, 1 slave, 1 horse, 1 cow.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
Livestock; Merchant; County borders Potomac River;
Taylor, Jessee
of Fairfax, VA 11/13/1802 Aspiring
Lists an "electrifying machine." Livestock: geese, chicken, & turkies*. Apple Mill &
Still. Scientific instruments. Fodder house.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Tebbs, Daniel
of Westmoreland, VA 3/30/1763 Decent
Contains carpenters, coopers, & shoemakers tools. Three Quarters listed: Mores, Dranes &
Spurtings. Detail record starts with Home House.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools; Wash house;
Thornton, Peter Presley
of Northumberld, VA 11/4/1780 Aspiring
NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE Value listed in "old price ." 31 years at time of death. See
attached Dispersal of Estate. Quarters not detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Cellar;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Traverse, Rawleigh
of Stafford, VA 12/29/1749 Elite
Lists: kitchen loft & meat house. No bedding listed in "Chamber" Has a Buffet= Beaufat*
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Triplett, William
of Fairfax, VA 3/19/1803 Aspiring+
Food stores including pickled shad, herring, pickled beef and bacon. Bed Carpet. 31 slaves.
Sufficient K & f, & ceramics for E. Beverage stores.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Turley, John, Capt.
of Fairfax, VA 11/16/1756 Aspiring-
Barely aspiring, tools, mixed with inventory, not included on detail report. No room by
room definition, but does appear to be compiled in that fashion.
Important features are: Rural;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Wade, Zehpaniah
of Fairfax, VA 7/1/1746 Aspiring
Also contains a mill and shed which contains bedding.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Wagener, Peter
of Fairfax, VA 1/10/1799 Aspiring-
Barely aspiring, sufficient K & F. No linens noted in inventory.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Wagener, Peter, Gent.
of Fairfax, VA 9/19/1774 Aspiring-
Good ceramics descriptions, barely aspiring, land in Dunmore County.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Walker, Major William
of Stafford, VA 1/1/1763 Aspiring
Contains large quantity textiles, quilts, & quilt frame. Large quantity furniture
hardware-all detailed. Not detailed: wood working tools.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Washington, Capt. John
of Stafford, VA 7/12/1743 Aspiring
Bedsteads listed in hall closet, parlor*, and parlor* closet. No values given.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Washington, George
of Fairfax, VA 12/14/1799 Elite+
MT. VERNON Bed rooms as chambers & numbered for study. Ceramics & glassware not itemised
in inventory. Store house only outbldg detl'd. Servants Hall. Art++.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools; Wash house;
Washington, Hannah
of Fairfax, VA 10/20/1806 Elite
Contains "musqueto" bed curtains. Excellent description of textiles.
Important features are: Rural;
Female; Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Washington, John
of Stafford, VA 6/6/1752 Aspiring
NO bedsteads: Beds listed as furniture-sleeping; furniture as textiles-bedding. Kitchen
assumed by placement of equipment.
Important features are: Rural;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Washington, Lawrence
of Fairfax, VA 1/20/1800 Elite
BELMONT PLANTATION. Inventory includes: dishes itemized, household & textiles described.
Inventory includes items at Colchester property - detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
West, Hugh
of Fairfax, VA 1/29/1755 Decent
Kitchen while not named, is apparent.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
West, John, Jr
of Fairfax, VA 5/17/1779 Decent
Telescope, dutch fan, ring dial, beaver trap, & musical instrument listed in inventory.
Minimal K & F. Ceramics & tea sets listed.
Important features are: Urban;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Wiggenton, Roger
of Fairfax, VA 11/1/1752 Aspiring-
Pewter itemized. Textile production equipment and fabrics - including taylors sheers*.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
Zimmerman, Henry
of Fairfax, VA 2/24/1807 Aspiring-
No table linens. "Kitchen table" noted. Child's furniture: cradle & table chair. Coin in
house. 2 cupboards noted without value.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079-3901