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Ball, Margaret
of Lancaster, VA 10/28/1783 Decent
See: Thom Familly Papers, Virginia Historical Society for sale of estate. Differences in
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Female; Livestock;
Slaves; Tools;
Barber, Thomas Capt.
of Richmond, VA 5/6/1754 Decent+
Room by room with good furniture descriptions. Lists a New England ax.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Bennehan, Dudley
of Richmond, VA 11/28/1750 Decent
"Decent" inventory--taken because rxr.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Buchanan, Andrew, Esqr.
of Fredericksbg, VA 12/12/1804 Decent+
Items valued in $ and adjusted to lbs. for total. Few ceramic items. Taken because of room
by room & good furniture descriptions.
Important features are: Rural; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Downman, Robert Portues
of Richmond, VA 5/26/1774 Decent
Dairy noted by "other lumber in the dairy." Milk closet & Cellers. Beds detailed as:
furniture - furniture as: beds.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Glascock, William
of Richmond, VA 3/7/1785 Decent+
Minimal inventory, contains a knife basket, but no listing of knives or forks. Also contains
6 pictures with gilded frames & 7 old do.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted;
Kitchen; Livestock;
Room by room; Slaves;
Greenham, Jeremiah
of Richmond, VA 1/1/1753 Decent-
Taken because of Kitchen & Dairy - minimal inventory
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
McCarty, Billington
of Richmond, VA 6/4/1753 Decent
Chamber closet noted. Beaufett*- buffet= contains ceramics, cutlery, and Mousetrap.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Closets;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Phillips, William
of Richmond, VA 10/2/1753 Decent
aken because of Dairy & Kitchen. No agricultural tools - only carpenters. Only 2 slaves.
Important features are: Rural; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock;
Slaves; Tools;
Samford, Mr. James
of RICHMOND, VA 2/2/1742 Decent
Taken because R x R. Inventory lists oyster tongs.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Stott, William
of Lancaster, VA 9/1/1781 Decent+
Parcel of books & 1 by title -Book of Common Prayer. Buffat= Beaufett* in Chamber. 6
Important features are: Rural; Books titled; Closets; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
Tebbs, Daniel
of Westmoreland, VA 3/30/1763 Decent
Contains carpenters, coopers, & shoemakers tools. Three Quarters listed: Mores, Dranes &
Spurtings. Detail record starts with Home House.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy;
Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools; Wash house;
Webb, John Spann
of Richmond, VA 7/5/1756 Decent
Taken because of Dairy designation.
Important features are: Rural; Closets; Dairy;
Livestock; Quarters;
Room by room; Slaves; Tools;
West, Hugh
of Fairfax, VA 1/29/1755 Decent
Kitchen while not named, is apparent.
Important features are: Rural; Books titled;
Livestock; County borders Potomac River;
Slaves; Tools;
George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079-3901