Virginia Aspiring Inventories with Books Noted
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Alexander, Phillip of Stafford, VA   8/14/1753   Aspiring
Includes a herb still. Shoemakers & carpenters tools.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

Allerton, Willoughby of Westmoreland, VA   10/17/1759   Aspiring

Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves;

Bailey, Capt. John of Lancaster, VA   4/16/1762   Aspiring
Closet, chambers, dairy noted as containing particular items. Kitchen assumed by placement of
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy; Livestock; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Ball, Sarah of Lancaster, VA   10/8/1742   Aspiring
No bedsteads listed -- beds detailed as bedsteads in most cases.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy; Female; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Bird, Thomas of Pr William, VA   5/30/1801   Aspiring
Received too late for room use study. Includes tabmor frame, bird cage, flute, beaufett & furniture also a sideboard.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

Bond, John of Lancaster, VA   9/1/1764   Aspiring
Estate appraised after "having laid off Mrs. Sarah Bond's part of her former Husband Mr. Thomas Sharpes Negroes." Beds listed as furniture,furniture as bedding.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Livestock; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Carter, Landon of Pr William, VA   7/6/1801   Aspiring
Very descriptive for ceramics. Floorcoverings & 2 book cases
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

Chinn, Thomas of Lancaster, VA   1/29/1768   Aspiring
Inventory is listed in toto then divided amongst the heirs. Some items have room designation listed in division of estate.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; Slaves; Tools;

Colvill, John, Col. of Fairfax, VA   2/6/1756   Aspiring
Blacksmith, cooper, & carpenter's tools. Tools in loft not in detail database. KITCHEN in "overseer's house"?-only place where cooking utensils listed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Conway, Col. Edwin of Lancaster, VA   10/7/1763   Aspiring
No values given.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Closets; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Fauntleroy, Maj. Moore of Richmond, VA   3/7/1758   Aspiring

Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Kitchen; Livestock; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Finlay, David of Fairfax, VA   1/16/1794   Aspiring+
Minimal amount of kitchen equipment. One bed, several tables and 18 chairs.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; County borders Potomac River;

French, Daniel of Fairfax, VA   8/31/1772   Aspiring
Quarters not detailed: Dogues Neck, Pohick Run, Colchester, Falls Church, Loudoun & Prince Wm County. Executor:GEORGE MASON.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Quarters; Slaves; Tools;

Glascock, Gregory of Richmond, VA   5/13/1752   Aspiring
Lists bed as furniture--in inventory "half standing beds" & "standing beds." Furniture listed as textile-bedding. Kitching* listed as kitchen.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Green, Sarah of York, VA   4/1/1759   Aspiring
Minimal for aspiring, many items described as "old." Paintings by name.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; Closets; Female; Kitchen; Room by room; Slaves;

Hornby, Daniel of Richmond, VA   4/11/1750   Aspiring
Articles in store not included. Inventory not valued.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Merchant; Out buildings; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Hornsby, Thomas of York, VA   8/17/1772   Aspiring
Inventory for town house= Brick house & red house included in detail. Plantations not detailed. "Goods on Hand" not itemized in inventoroy.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; Cellar; Kitchen; Livestock; Merchant; Out buildings; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves;

Hunter, Capt. John of Elizab City, VA   7/8/1795   Aspiring
Several closets.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; Closets; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Room by room; Slaves;

Lyles, Robert of Fairfax, VA   8/18/1788   Aspiring
Probably urban, minimal number of tools and livestock. Four slaves, no tobacco or farm tools. Good furniture descriptions.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

Montague, William of Middlesex, VA   7/2/1754   Aspiring+
Inventory lists the contents of 4 quarters: Piscataway, Dragon, Chaney's, & Cliff -- contents of these spaces have not been detailed.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Singleton, Joshua of Richmond, VA   11/18/1773   Aspiring
Items listed in buffat,* (detail as: buffet=) including ceramics, glassware, and tea pot. No bedsteads: bed=furniture; furniture=bedding.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Cellar; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Sydnor, William of Lancaster, VA   8/6/1751   Aspiring-
Kitchen listed as: "kitchen & other out places." bed=furniture & furniture=beds. Lists of clothing. Long list of carpenters tools, not detailed. Barely aspiring.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; Quarters; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Taylor, Jessee of Fairfax, VA   11/13/1802   Aspiring
Lists an "electrifying machine." Livestock: geese, chicken, & turkies*. Apple Mill & Still. Scientific instruments. Fodder house.
Important features are: Urban; Books noted; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

Wade, Zehpaniah of Fairfax, VA   7/1/1746   Aspiring
Also contains a mill and shed which contains bedding.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Dairy; Kitchen; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Wagener, Peter, Gent. of Fairfax, VA   9/19/1774   Aspiring-
Good ceramics descriptions, barely aspiring, land in Dunmore County.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

Washington, Capt. John of Stafford, VA   7/12/1743   Aspiring
Bedsteads listed in hall closet, parlor*, and parlor* closet. No values given.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Closets; Kitchen; Livestock; County borders Potomac River; Room by room; Slaves; Tools;

Zimmerman, Henry of Fairfax, VA   2/24/1807   Aspiring-
No table linens. "Kitchen table" noted. Child's furniture: cradle & table chair. Coin in house. 2 cupboards noted without value.
Important features are: Rural; Books noted; Livestock; Out buildings; County borders Potomac River; Slaves; Tools;

George Mason's Gunston Hall Plantation - Mason Neck, Virginia 22079-3901
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