The Plantation Community
Lesson Three
George Mason of Stafford County Virginia aged about twenty five Years, and Ann Eilbeck (the Daughter of William Eilbeck of Charles county Maryland, Merchant) aged about sixteen Years, were married on Wednesday the 4th. Day of April in the year 1750 ...
George Mason, their eldest Son, was born on Monday the 30th. Day of April 1753 ...
Ann Eilbeck Mason was born on Monday the 13th. of January 1755 ...
William Mason was born on Thursday the 16th: of April 1756 ...
William Mason died of the Flux [a type of infection] on Thursday the 4th. of August 1757. and was buried in the Family Burying Place at Newton ...
William Mason (the second of the Name) was born on the 22nd. Day of October 1757 ...
Thomson Mason was born on Sunday the 4th. of March 1759 ...
Sarah Mason was born on the 11th. of December 1760 ...
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[Mary] Th[o]mson Mason was born on the 27th. of January [1763?] ...
John Mason was born on Thursday the 4th: of April 1766 ...
Elizabeth Mason was born on Teusday the 19th. of April 1768 ...
Thomas Mason was born on Teusday the 1st: Day of May 1770 ...
Richard Mason and James Mason, Twins, were born on Friday the 4th: Day of December 1772 ... they both died the next Morning ...
On Tuesday, the 9th. of March, 1773 ... died at Gunston-Hall, of a slow-fever, Mrs. Ann Mason, in the thirty-ninth [ye]ar of her Age ... [Her ...] irreparable Loss I do, & ever shall deplore ... |
George Mason of Gunston Hall ... aged abt. fifty four Years, and his second Wife, Sarah Brent ... aged abou[t fifty] Years, were married on Teusday the 11th. Day of April in the year 1780 ..." |
Today, city and county offices keep records of new births. But that didn't happen in the 1700s. That's why we're excited to have George Mason's hand-written history of his family. He put this history, called a family record, in a very safe place -- inside his family's Bible.
Mason's family record looks strange to us. Some of the spelling and punctuation is different than ours today. Some words are capitalized for no reason at all and others that should be capitalized are not. This was accepted in Mason's time, since rules for spelling and grammar were not yet perfected.
Some letters in the family record appear in [ ]'s. This is because the pages of the Bible are torn in places and we had to guess what was written there.
Use the Mason family record to answer the questions.
1. What range of years is covered in the Mason family history? From ______ to ______
2. What was the age difference between George Mason and his wife, Ann? ______ years
3. How many children did George and Ann Mason raise? ______
4. How many sons did the Masons raise? ______
How many daughters did they raise? ______
5. Due to disease, it was common for some children in every family to die. How many children died in the Mason family? ______
6. Sometimes, when a child died in the 1700s, a parent gave another child the same name. What name was used twice by the Masons? __________________
7. Give the range of years when Ann Mason gave birth. From ______ to ______
Give the average number of years between births. (Count any time under one year as one year.) ______
8. How old was Ann Mason when she died? ______
9. After Ann's death, George Mason waited ______ years until he married again.
What was the name of his second wife? ______________________
10. The family Bible was published in 1759. However, there are four entries for births that took place before 1759. How can you explain this? ___________________________________________________
Gather information on your own family, including grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Find out all the dates you think are important, then put this information into the form of a family tree. Decorate your family tree and display it in the classroom.