The Plantation Community
Lesson Two

When George Mason was born in 1725, the Masons had lived in Virginia for almost 130 years. The first Mason in Virginia, George Mason I, arrived from Staffordshire, England in about 1651. Over the years, the Masons acquired more land in Virginia and neighboring Maryland. This land was passed along from father to son.
The map shows some plantations, towns, and public buildings that existed in Virginia and Maryland in the 1700s. Some of the plantations were settled by the Masons.

Use the map to answer the questions below.
1. George Mason I (1629-1686) settled the plantation that was just north of the Patowmack (Potomac) Creek. What is the plantation's name?
2. George Mason II (1660-1716) acquired the land that later became Gunston Hall and Lexington plantations. Circle these places on the map. What body of water is close to them?
3. George Mason III (1690-1735) owned Chopawamsic and Stump Neck plantations. Circle these places on the map. Is Stump Neck north or south of Chopawamsic?
4. George Mason IV (1725-1792) wrote a will and stated the properties he would pass along to each of his sons. This information appears in the chart below. Complete the chart by adding the letter given to each of the properties on the map.
Sons |
Properties |
George V |
Gunston Hall |
_____ |
William |
Goose Creek |
_____ |
Thomson |
Hollin Hall |
John |
Anolastan |
Thomas |
Woodbridge |
5. One of the Mason properties is located in what is today Washington, D.C. Name the property.
6. John Mercer was the uncle and guardian to George Mason IV. He lived on the plantation closest to Accokeek. What is the plantation's name?
7. Sometimes, George Mason IV left Gunston Hall to visit George Washington at Mount Vernon. On the map, draw a route by water and a route by land from Gunston Hall to Mount Vernon.
When Mason traveled by land, which other plantation could he visit along the way?
8. Ann Eilbeck Mason, the wife of George Mason IV, was raised at Mattawoman plantation. Circle Mattawoman on the map. Name the colony where it was located.
Which creek is near Mattawoman?
9. George Mason IV helped to build the church that is closest to Gunston Hall on the map. What is the church's name?
The church is located between two creeks. Name them.
10. During George Mason IV's lifetime, Alexandria was one of the closest towns to Gunston Hall. Circle Alexandria on the map. Is Alexandria east or west of the Patowmack (Potomac) River?
11. Give the alternative, or second, name for Alexandria.
Using a modern map: Find out the name of the road depicted on the historic map.
Add ten places to the historic map. If you live in Virginia, add where you live -- if it's not already on the map!