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Making A Nation
Lesson Seven


The words and names below were familiar to the early leaders of our nation. Are they to you? Unscramble the letters below. Then, find the right description.
Hint: Capital letters indicate the first letter of a name.
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George Mason


1.  gaelerusitl    
2.  enmdmeant    
3.  ldeteage    
4.  torhn    
5.  trfyai    
6.  peysed alrti    
7.  ahidpeihllaP    
8.  serps    
9.  sjoibnceto    
10.  twrnraa    
11.  oGegre naWtnsohgi    
12.  ilbl fo strhgi    
13.  shekcc dan lesbnaca    
14.  xctieevue    
15.  rcjdyuaii    


A.  Mason thought that this region of the nation had too much power.

B.  right of person who is accused of a crime.

C.  added to the Constitution in 1791.

D.  the president of the Federal Convention.

E.  each section in the Bill of Rights.

F.  right important to reporters.

G.  Mason wrote these on the back of his draft of the Constitution.

H.  The highest court in the nation is a part of this branch of government.

I.  This legal document is needed in order to search a person's belongings or home.

J.  This man fought to limit slavery.

K.  Mason wanted a council of advisors to be added to this branch of government.

L.  branch of government that makes laws.

M.  city where Federal Convention was held.

N.  to approve the Constitution.

O.  representative to Federal Convention.

P.  This system limited the powers of each branch of government.


Have a Constitutional spelling bee with the unscrambled words.

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703.550.9480 fax

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