In the 1700s people were more accustomed to interpreting ancient symbols from Rome than we are. The Roman symbols were used more often than they are today. They were part of the language of the time.
Are there symbols that are part of our everyday language? Draw symbols for the words below.
the United States
slippery roads
Can you think of other modern symbols? Draw these symbols.
(in small groups)
Half of the groups work with the front of the seal. The other half work with the back of the seal. A time for sharing follows.

1. The standing figure is Virtus (weer´ toos). This figure was a Roman symbol for bravery. What is Virtus holding? (It's hard to tell.)
2. Do you think Virtus looks like a good symbol for bravery? Why or why not?
3. The figure lying down is Tyranny. What does the word "tyranny" mean?
4. Tyranny holds a broken chain in his left hand. He holds a whip in his right hand. Why is he holding these objects?
5. Below the picture is the motto, or saying, "Sic
Semper Tyrannis" (seek sem´ per tee ran´ nees). This is Latin for "Thus always to Tyrants." What does this motto mean?
6. What is the connection between the design
on the seal and the colonial history of Virginia? Whom does Tyranny stand for, or symbolize?

1. The central figure in the design is Libertas (lee´ ber tas). She is the Roman goddess for freedom.
Libertas' cap is called a "pileus" (pi´ lee us). During the Revolution, the pileus was worn in America to show support for the patriots.
What is Libertas holding?
2. The figure at the right is Ceres (seer´ es), the Roman goddess of agriculture. She holds a sheath of wheat in her right hand. She holds a cornucopia in her left hand. Define the word "cornucopia."
3. Why is Ceres holding the wheat and cornucopia?
4. The figure at the left is Aeternitas (i ter´ nee tas). Aeternitas means "eternity" in Latin. Define eternity.
5. Aeternitas holds a phoenix. Look up the ancient story about this bird. Why is Aeternitas holding a phoenix?
6. Aeternitas also holds a globe. What does this mean, or symbolize?
7. The motto, or saying, reads "perseverando" (pear se ver an´ do). This is Latin for "by enduring." What does the word "endure" mean? When the seal was designed in 1776, how was this motto important to Virginia?
Design a seal for your school.
- Decide what you want to say about your school. What is your message?
- Say this with symbols.
- Share your seal with your classmates. What do their seals say about your school? Can you interpret, or read, the symbols?
Find a building, painting, or statue with symbols from ancient Rome or Greece. Try to figure out the meaning of the symbols.