Gunston Hall, Home of George Mason

Glasse, Hannah.  The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy (1747).  Prospect Books facsimile edition, 1983.


An Onion Pye

Wash and pare some Potatoes, and cut them in Slices, peel some Onions, cut them in slices, pare some Apple and slice them, make a good Crust, cover your Dish, lay a quarter of a Pound of Butter all over, take a quarter of an Ounce of Mace beat fine, a Nutmeg grated, a Tea Spoonful of beaten Pepper, three Tea Spoonsful of Salt, mix all together, strew some over the Butter, lay a Layer of Potatoes, a Layer of Onions, a Layer of Apples, and a Layer of Eggs, and so on, till you have filled your Pye, strewing a little of the Seasoning between each Layer, and a quarter of a Pound of Butter in Bits, and six Spoonfuls of Water.  Close your Pye and bake it an Hour and a half.  A Pound of Potatoes, a Pound of Onion, a Pound of Apples, and twelve Eggs will do.

To Stew Pears

Pare six pears, and either quarter them, or do them whole; but makes a pretty Dish with one whole, and the other cut in quarter, and the Cores taken out, lay them in a deep earthen Pot, with a few Cloves, a Piece of Lemon-peel, a Gill of Red Wine, and a quarter of a Pound of fine Sugar:  If the Pears are very large, they will take half a Pound of Sugar, and half a Pint of Red Wine.  Cover them close with brown Paper, and bake them till they are enough.

Serve them hot or cold, just as you like them, and they will be very good withWater in the place of Wine.


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